Café Rosenhaven Open 2016
Prodiscus Danish Tour 2016 #5
PDGA EuroChallenge Tour, C-tier
Valbyparken, København, 25/6-2016

Saturday, 25/6-2016 - Prodiscus Danish Tour #5, Café Rosenhaven Open
07.00: FREE breakfast and registration
08.00: Players meeting, scorecard pick up and warm up
08.30: 1st round - 18 holes
12.00: Lunch
12.45: Scorecard pick up and warm up
13.00: 2nd round - 18 holes
16.15: Short break before the finals
16.30: Finals, 5 holes for top 4 in the OPEN division: 8, 9, 2, 3 and 7
17.30: Prize ceremony

Changes in the schedule may occur.

(tour sponsor)

(location sponsor)

(merchandise sponsor)